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首页 剧情片 BBC伟大的男高音是如何炼成的





导演:Dominic  Best  



更新:2020-04-03 20:05

男高音罗兰多比亚松带领我们走进世界上最性感亦最危险的歌剧男高音。 The great tenor Rolando Villazon takes us inside the world of the sexiest and most risky of all operatic voices. It's a journey which includes some of the great names of the past, such as Caruso and Lanza, and some of the brightest stars performing today, like Domingo, Alagna and Florez. We hear how they tackle their most famous roles and what the risks and rewards are. Broadcast on: BBC Four, 1:30am Friday 4th June 2010 Duration: 60 minutes Available until: 5:29am Sunday 13th June 2010 Categories: * Factual, * Arts, Culture & the Media, * Music, * Classical。