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更新:2020-09-16 16:45

"Do you want some chicken?"A report on a man and a womanA report on a man and a woman's flirtatious relationship!Episode 1. Teasing the husbandA man and a woman get married not long after they meet. They enjoy passionately making love in every part of the house. After some time, they start getting tired of each other. The wife attends her husband's superior's house warming party one day. The superior is sending her signals and the jealous husband lights up his passionate love for his wife once again...Episode 2. The chicken delivery guySo-yool is new at this social life gig and one day she orders chicken to go along with her beer. The delivery guy is none other than her crush from high school. She orders chicken every night to see him and So-yool and Go-won develop into a relationship.Episode 3. With a student at a TOEIC schoolA teacher at a TOEIC school is concerned about a student who isn't improving and offers to grant him a wish every time he passes 90. She thought all she had to do was buy him dinner or something but the student's wish became more and more extreme!。